Suggest Translationsradtranslate2020-06-07T15:19:36+00:00 Would you like additional translations to be added? Fill out the information below and we’ll take care of the rest! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *EmailConfirm EmailPlease enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Care Site *MGH main campusBWH main campusChelsea Urgent care/ImagingPartners Urgent CareFaulkner HospitalNon PartnersOtherWhich exam do you have a suggestion for? *Chest RadiographChest CTIV placementNasal swabsOther (new exam or procedure, specify below)Name of Exam or ProcedureLanguage(s) to translate to: *SpanishPortugeseArabicMandarinHaitian CreoleOther (specify below)Other language:Write the English sentences below you would like translate. Please number the phrases. Alternatively, upload a word document below.Upload a word document or image in English with the phrases you would like translated. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. WebsiteSubmit