This is the Arabic page for screening mammography. Click below for other languages:
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What is your full name? What is your date of birth? I will use this program to give you instructions in your own language. This program is not an interpreter. It cannot help us talk to each other. It can only give you instructions to help me take your pictures. Now, we will take your pictures. To take a picture, I will place your breast onto this plate. The paddle will come down to hold your breast in place. Then you will need to stay very still. You will need to hold your breath for a few seconds. I will tell you when to stop and when to start breathing. This helps me take a good picture. If the picture is good, we can continue. If the picture is not good, we will need to repeat it.
Now, we will take pictures of your right breast. Please take your right arm out of your robe. Please raise your right arm up and rest your hand on this area. Now, I will move your breast forward and I will use the paddle to keep your breast in place. The paddle needs to be tight. When I have you in the correct position, please stay very still. You can breathe normally until I tell you to stop. Thank you. You can put your arm back into your robe. Now, we will take pictures of the other breast.
Please, try to relax. Please, turn your head to the left. Please, lower your right shoulder. Take a deep breath in. Please, bend your right knee.
Now, we will take pictures of your left breast. Please take your left arm out of your robe. Please raise your left arm up and rest your hand on this area. Now, I will move your breast forward and I will use the paddle to keep your breast in place. The paddle needs to be tight. When I have you in the correct position, please stay very still. You can breathe normally until I tell you to stop. Thank you. You can put your arm back into your robe. Now, we will take pictures of the other breast.
Please, try to relax. Please, turn your head to the right. Please, lower your left shoulder. Take a deep breath in. Please, bend your left knee.
Good. Now we are ready to take a picture. Please stay very still. Stop breathing when I say the word ‘STOP’ in English Good. You can breathe normally. Thank you. We are finished with this picture. Now, I will take a picture of this breast in a different position.
We will need to take another picture in this position. Please try to stay as still as you can. Remember, please stop breathing when I ask you to stop. I will need to adjust the position of your breast.
Thank you. You can put your arm back into your robe. Now, we will take pictures of the other breast.
Please put your arm back into your robe. We are finished with all of your pictures. You can completely cover up with your robe. Thank you for coming. You did a great job. The radiologist will look at your pictures. Our office will call you within a few days if we need to take more pictures. You will receive your results in a letter in the mail. If you have the Patient Gateway service, then you can also find your results there. If you do not receive your results within 2 weeks, then please contact your doctor’s office. You can stay in this room. You can get dressed.
Do you want an interpreter? Please nod your head up and down if you want to talk to me and need an interpreter.Introduction
Right breast positioning
Maneuvers to help with right breast positioning
Left breast positioning
Maneuvers to help with left breast positioning
Taking an image
Repeating an image
Finished with this breast
Finished with the exam
An interpreter is needed